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Apr 22, 2021

James Knull has invested in real estate for 11+ years. He’s also an investor focused realtor. James has a personal portfolio of over 250 doors in the Edmonton Area. On this episode, we discuss:



Selling smaller properties to acquire multi-units

The 3 things James looks for in a multi-family investment property


Apr 15, 2021

Eric Upchurch is an Army vet who has a passion for educating the military community on how to create long term wealth through real estate investing. He went from the army to educating himself on general partnerships and real estate investing in general. Through his knowledge, he’s been able to acquire hundreds of...

Apr 8, 2021

Kyle is an insurance broker with Acumen Insurance Group. He’s been at it for over 10 years now. He got a diploma in insurance from Mohawk College, so you know when it comes to insurance, he means business! On this episode, we discuss:


Why it’s important for your tenant’s to get liability insurance

Rental income...

Apr 1, 2021

Robinson is the son of the inventor of the Smith Manoeuvre. He is also a financial strategist, speaker and the best-selling author of Master Your Mortgage for Financial Freedom - a book on the wealth creation strategy known as The Smith Manoeuvre. He educates Canadian homeowners on how to create wealth from their...